This site will give you insight into the world of Knowledge Management.
Welcome to the KM Table, a place to share information and knowledge in the KM world.
Welcome to the heart of Knowledge Management insights – your destination for all things Knowledge Management! Here I'm dedicated to unraveling the intricacies of Knowledge Management's elements and dimensions through insightful ad-hoc blogs. This platform serves as a dynamic gateway, connecting you to the Knowledge Management realm.
This website is not sponsored or affiliated with any organizations or entities and aims to remain independent.
I believe in fostering an engaging community of Knowledge Management enthusiasts, and that's where you come in. Whether you're eager to join the conversation or have valuable contributions to share, don't hesitate to reach out via email.
Your thoughts, ideas, and perspectives are not just welcome – they're essential. From foundational concepts to cutting-edge trends, all topics related to KM find a home here. The purpose of this site is to clarify the difference between Information Management and Knowledge Management, from theory to practice. How the External Environment, Metadata, People, Process, System, Information Technology and ultimately Knowledge leads to Action.
Join me on this enriching journey of exploration, collaboration, and enlightenment as we dive into the boundless expanse of Knowledge Management together.
The KM Practice section will have links to explain the "How?" for Knowledge Management. This includes KM Technology information as well.
KM Theory
KM Practice