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Guide to Graph Databases: Key Technologies, Query Languages, and Use Cases

In November 2022, I published a blog post featuring a list of graph technologies. Now, it's time to revisit that list. Initially, I hoped that compiling new information would help me find answers to the questions I had about graph databases and technologies. However, as I worked through the new list, I realized it only led to more questions, sparking an even deeper curiosity about the topic.

I'm sure many of you remember the debate between Python and R, with everyone speculating on which technology would dominate. It seems we're now seeing a similar conversation unfold between RDF and Property Graphs. Add LLMs and GQL to the equation, and things get even more complex. When reaching out to some graph technology experts, it can be difficult to get answers. I suppose everyone is still waiting to see what the future holds.

Here’s a comprehensive list of information I’ve gathered (please be aware of the website disclaimer, as some of the information may contain mistakes).

Other interesting information discovered:

ossinsights : Year-to-year Ranking

db-engines RDF Store : DB-Engines Ranking of RDF Stores

db-engines Graph Rankings : DB-Engines Ranking of Graph DBMS

Feel free to add comments to this post. 

Some questions to ponder:

  •             RDF or Property Graphs: which one will become more popular? Maybe a Multi-Model?

  •             Which graph technology (from the list) is your preferred graph technology?