The importance of Boundary Spanners
What is a Boundary Spanner? To illustrate the power of knowledge we are going back to 1977, the academic book of knowledge supplies us with the following information:
“Two classes of functions are performed by boundary roles: information processing and external representation. Information from external sources comes into an organization through boundary roles, and boundary roles link organizational structure to environmental elements, whether by buffering, moderating, or influencing the environment. Any given role can serve either or both functions.” [1]
Moving forward to 2022, the same principle still applies, organisations just do not realize they have Boundary Spanners, especially in a federated organisational model or a global organisation. Boundary spanners within an organisation connects to the external world and communicates relevant external information and knowledge back to the organisation, but also has the ability to communicate within the organisation information and knowledge with other organisational units not in its own domain of function, information is shared across boundaries. I’m sure you recognize these people in your organisation.
In the KM world I see these people as one of the most important Knowledge Workers.
The Boundary Spanner will add the following capabilities to your organisation:
• Innovation
• Knows what is happening “Out there”
• Challenge group thinking
• Share lessons learned within the organisation
• Connects people with subject matter experts, internal and external
• Creates trust within the organisation
• Limits duplication of information and work.
In conclusion. Find them! They are vital in your Knowledge Management program.
[1] Boundary spanning roles and organization structure. H. Aldrich and D. Herker. Academy of Management Review, 2 (2) (1977), pp. 217-230