What is a Knowledge Graph? Very debatable. In my opinion the name "Knowledge Graph" is seen as a technical tool that does knowledge management, this is wrong. Knowledge Graphs do not manage knowledge, it is one of the tools in the Knowledge Management box. It enables people to look at information to get insight to a usually complex network of information not easily connected. It will enable people to start asking questions not asked in the Data Management domain. It should be people driven and be able to give an entry point to gain or share knowledge from fellow employees in the organisation.
The below list is suppose to contain platforms that have Graph Database Technology, some have actual Knowledge Graph Products on top of the Graph Databases as well.
-AgensGraph |
https://bitnine.net/agensgraph/ |
-Apache Jena |
https://jena.apache.org/index.html |
-AllegroGraph |
https://allegrograph.com/ |
-Amazon Neptune |
https://aws.amazon.com/neptune/ |
-AnzoGraph DB |
https://cambridgesemantics.com/anzograph/ |
-Apache AGE |
https://age.apache.org/ |
-Apache Tinkerpop |
https://tinkerpop.apache.org/ |
-ArangoDB |
https://www.arangodb.com/graph-database/ |
-ArcadeDB |
https://arcadedb.com/ |
-AtomGraph |
https://atomgraph.com/ |
-bitnine Agentsgraph |
https://github.com/bitnine-oss/ |
-BlazeGraph |
https://blazegraph.com/ |
-Cambridge Semantics |
https://cambridgesemantics.com/ |
-CayleyGraph |
https://cayley.io/ |
-Datastax |
https://www.datastax.com/products/datastax-graph |
-Dgraph |
https://dgraph.io/ |
-eccenca |
https://eccenca.com/ |
-EdgeDB |
https://edgedb.com/ |
-FaunaDb |
https://fauna.com/blog/unifying-relational-document-graph-and-temporal-data-models#the-graph-model |
-fluree |
https://flur.ee/ |
-Google |
https://blog.google/products/search/introducing-knowledge-graph-things-not/ |
https://vaticle.com/use-cases/knowledge-graphs |
-GraphBase |
https://graphbase.ai/ |
-GraphDB |
https://graphdb.ontotext.com/ |
-Graphaware |
https://graphaware.com/ |
-G-Store |
https://g-store.sourceforge.net/ |
-IBM Graph |
https://www.ibm.com/analytics/ca/en/technology/cloud-data-services/graph/ |
-IndraDB |
https://indradb.github.io/ |
-InfiniteGraph |
https://infinitegraph.com/ |
-JanusGraph |
https://janusgraph.org/ |
-Katana Graph |
https://katanagraph.com/ |
-KgBase |
https://www.kgbase.com/ |
-MarkLogic |
https://www.marklogic.com/product/marklogic-database-overview/ |
-Memgraph |
https://memgraph.com/ |
-Metaphacts |
https://metaphacts.com/ |
-Microsoft Cosmos DB |
https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/products/cosmos-db/ |
-Nebula |
https://nebula-graph.io/ |
-Neo4j |
https://neo4j.com/use-cases/knowledge-graph/ |
-ONgDB |
https://www.graphfoundation.org/ongdb/ |
-Ontotext |
https://www.ontotext.com/knowledgehub/fundamentals/what-is-a-knowledge-graph/ |
-OpenLink Virtuoso |
https://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/ |
-Oracle Graph |
https://www.oracle.com/za/database/graph/ |
-OrientDB |
https://orientdb.org/ |
-PoolParty |
https://www.poolparty.biz/why-poolparty-semantic-suite |
-RDF4J |
https://rdf4j.org/ |
-RDFox |
https://www.oxfordsemantic.tech/product |
-RDFLib |
https://rdflib.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html |
-RedisGraph |
https://redis.io/docs/stack/graph/ |
-Relational Ai |
https://relational.ai/ |
-SAP Graph |
https://community.sap.com/topics/graph |
-Semantic Web Company |
https://semantic-web.com/ |
-Sparksee |
https://www.sparsity-technologies.com/ |
-Stardog |
https://www.stardog.com/industries/life-sciences/ |
-Teradata Aster |
https://www.teradata.com/ |
-TerminusDB |
https://www.terminusdb.com/ |
-TIBCO Graph Database |
https://www.tibco.com/products/tibco-graph-database |
-timbr.ai |
https://timbr.ai/ |
-TigerGraph |
https://www.tigergraph.com/solutions/entity-resolution/ |
-Titan |
https://titan.thinkaurelius.com/ |
-Topquandrant |
https://www.topquadrant.com/ |
-Trovares xGT |
https://www.trovares.com/ |
-TypeDB |
https://vaticle.com/ |
-Ultipa |
https://www.ultipa.com/ |